Our Services
Management Consulting

Due Diligence

First try, then buy!

Prior to signing the sales contract, even mid-sized companies are tending to take the selected object directly under the microscope.

Mistakes can have fatal consequences for the corporate buyer. Good advice pays off here.

We give you the certainty you need!

Wir entdecken falsch bewertete Vermögensgegenstände und fehlende oder falsch ausgewiesene Verpflichtungen.
We detect incorrectly valued assets as well as missing or incorrectly reported obligations. We disclose possible risks in signed contracts, in the situation of the company being sold, or in the market. We provide information about how this company sees its future and how the future may look as part of the buying company.

Prevent an economic meltdown. Talk to us.
gesellschaft mbH

Im Kusterfeld 10
71522 Backnang

Tel. 07191-32 03-0
Fax. 07191-32 03-11


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